About Me

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Cherry L. is a dessert junkie and self-proclaimed psycho genius dreaming of world domination while creatively avoiding scandals. When not engaged in social interactions, she subconsciously slips off into a parallel universe. Easily distracted by pretty boys and strange objects. Her demonic kiasu-ness and notorious procrastination are genetic.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Steamboat on Mother's Day

We had a successful BBQ and we had a successful steamboat party. What next? Conveyor belt sushi? We shall have Tommy and Milo acting as the conveyor belt (Shin Chan joke).

We had meatballs, fish, 4 types of noodles, mushrooms, eggs and plenty of veggies.

We threw all the food into that amazingly huge pot of soup which was boiled almost immediately with our induction plate. Remember the traditional gas option? Boiling time was cut to 1/4.

As usual, there was the adults table (with alcohol; Uncle Fee holds the bottle gleefully)...

...and the children's table (with orange juice).

The pot filled with goodness.

So good that everyone was fixated on what was inside the pot.

With much patience, I finally got to scoop food out of the pot. I <3 Yee Mee.

I overate as usual... because the food was so good.

We had cake.
My selection of mangoes were of 50% accuracy. (Next time should ask the mango lover to buy mangoes, you know who you are.)

I'm so colour coordinated today.

The adults were so impressed with the technology of webcamming that everyone wanted to take turn to appear in front of the camera to wave to Xian.

When we took this picture, I asked Uncle Mike to include Xian in the shot so that he would at least have some involvement in tonight's event. He's gonna be tagged in FB as that fuzzy little green thing on the monitor beside me.

Meh & Hun Yee.

Bought flowers for all the mamas that night. I was lucky, apparently Ipoh has nearly run out of flowers.

Mama and her 4 kiddos. Yes, I said 4.

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