About Me

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Cherry L. is a dessert junkie and self-proclaimed psycho genius dreaming of world domination while creatively avoiding scandals. When not engaged in social interactions, she subconsciously slips off into a parallel universe. Easily distracted by pretty boys and strange objects. Her demonic kiasu-ness and notorious procrastination are genetic.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Huah!!! So Angry Right Now I Don't Know What To Scold First.

In list order, the accumulated events that pissed me off.

Firstly, I have never ending to-dos, never ending planning/organizing/strategizing, never ending assignments, never ending appointments, never ending costumes/props, never ending lethargy no matter how long I sleep and never ending tension and stress on top of everything. F* why is my life so eventful beyond reason.

Okay, with my hands full already, I don't need unnecessary crap to elevate my hypertension. Like WTFH is wrong with people who enjoy abusing the use of hand phones?!! Just these 2 days alone.

I noticed a long time ago, that Malaysians have the most ridiculous telephone etiquette in the world. 

For example, when you call someone you first introduce yourself especially if its your first time calling. Normal. But what's abnormal is that people don't like saying who they are. As if they are ashamed of their own names or you'll suck their soul into the phone if they mentioned it. And when you force the issue to identify themselves, they say they'll call back later and hang up. =_=" I honestly find this attitude really lame and annoying. Another scenario is when they call the wrong number, realizes its not the voice they recognize and they hang up. An apology won't kill you, especially when you just disturbed someone by ringing their phone and they drop whatever their doing to pick up your call, just to be hung up rudely.

Okay, so what got me annoyed today was this woman who called me yesterday. I couldn't recognize the number but I picked it up in case it was someone I knew using someone else's phone to call me. When I picked up the phone, this woman bombarded me with questions like "Where are you? Are you at home? Are you free?". Defensive instinct: I said, "No, who are you?" Apparently, this woman is the clerk working at my college and she was trying to sell me unit trust funds. (Huah!? Can use students info for personal purposes wan?!) Anyway, the way she was talking to me was quite 'semangat,' saying can make a lot of money, good investment bla bla bla... And I politely just said, ok-lah, just give me the information  brochure when I come to college, I'll read over. Bai bai.

For me, I'm open to learning new investment stuff, but doesn't mean I just buy like crazy just because of the so-called greater profit. Plus, I've heard stories about people losing money buying unit trusts. The main reason why these people push you to buy these things is because they have to meet their quota and get their commission from selling you their product. I mean, fair enough, I get interest as well, but the thing is that some people just tell you the good points of the investment and not the bad part. This is something I don't really like because they would have profited from your investment but if it goes awry, it's your money that gets lost and they would have pocketed their commission anyway (so its none of their business if it screws up).

So up to date, the people I'm rather afraid of are insurance agents, unit trust / investment representatives, network marketing people. Sales people and credit card promoters not so much maybe because they're not so persistent and desperate.

So tonight came and I was busy like crazy with a whole tonne of work to do (till the point I had to give up a nice Korean dinner) and the woman called again. And again. A total of 7 times, every 20 minutes. I switched off my phone. I was feeling petty and irritated. Everyone knows how I hate interruptions when I'm working. I pray to God she doesn't call over the weekend and just wait for me to come to school on Monday. My point is, yeah fine, you want me to buy something which sounds good. Firstly, I don't think it's right to just use my phone number I gave my college for any other purpose unless it is school related. Secondly, I didn't think there was a need to spam my phones with calls 7 times a night unless  its something urgent like someone died, 2 would be  fairly reasonable.

Another case is this v.v.v.v.v. annoying person who has been calling my phone since last year. I think out of his 100 phone calls and text I've only picked up twice (on which occasion I didn't know it was him calling) and after I found out it was him, I ignored his calls/text completely. Like, what idiot in this universe would keep calling a phone that never answers him for over a year?! OMFG. Normal people would 'get the hint' that they're not very well liked or speculate that this person is no longer using that number AND GIVE UP.

My phone isn't joined to my hip so I don't bring it everywhere with me. I don't have a significant telecommunication habit that I have to check my phone every 2 minutes. Looking me up on MSN is even more reliable than expecting me to pick up my phone. And other than that, I don't pick up calls from weird, unidentified numbers or people I don't like. I hate confrontation and I don't feel like explaining to people I don't like them because not wanting to talk to you for over a year is a big enough indication to leave me alone and get a life. Haiyo, you don't have other friends meh?

I feel so harassed at the moment, I really want to change my phone number.

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