About Me

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Cherry L. is a dessert junkie and self-proclaimed psycho genius dreaming of world domination while creatively avoiding scandals. When not engaged in social interactions, she subconsciously slips off into a parallel universe. Easily distracted by pretty boys and strange objects. Her demonic kiasu-ness and notorious procrastination are genetic.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Happy 2011

December is always the busiest month of the year. I thought I was going to drown in the amount of things lined up. At first, I thought I would be able to have a break doing absolutely nothing at all from the 27th up to New Year's Day. Unfortunately, my 27th morning started with me cursing mercilessly whosoever the SOB who announced I back from overseas when I received my on the job phone call early 27th morning.

Mebbe the older I get, the less I need to blog out my life! Hopefully, it's because I haven't started to warm up with inspiration yet. Hopefully, it's just because I'm insanely busy.

As tradition, this is 2011's resolution:-

1. Graduate with good grades. And I can move on with the next stage of life and there will be one major thing off my shoulders.

2. Be able to handle everything more wisely and efficiently. Kill as many giants as I can. Be bigger bitch.

3. Have a fixed source income. Achieved!~ Save and reinvest and watch my money grow to epic proportions (my standard of 'epic' for this is actually really low!). 50% discount on properties less than RM350k (as compared to last 2 years RM250k) What do you know, my procrastination has achieved something decent again...

4. Be healthy and youthful to enjoy the fruits of my labour.

5. Taking cosplay to an international level. 

6. Loose more fat and flab. In metrics, wants to loose another 7 kilos.

7. Have more fun outings with friends. Wants to go to Japan with CML after our graduation.

8. Be more open minded & hearted and learn not to take offense from whoever. Shoot them back if it's too fun to pass up. 

I give up trying to be punctual. Mebbe if I give up trying, I might actually improve...

I actually achieved almost everything (or in partial) in 2010's resolution list except the aforementioned...

Hmm, this is probably a good time to mention this. That there's a guy I know who is really attentive to a lot of things I do or say, which is sweet. Decent credentials, stable job. He does have some minor attributes that I dislike (like being too quiet and then saying that I'm the one who is quiet and not answering my questions properly). Nothing's confirmed anytime soon because it's really still too early to tell (mebbe because we're both really slow people). Recently, I've just been thinking I would be a total idiot if I passed him up. But I'm not really sure, to be honest.

Talk to you guys soon!