About Me

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Cherry L. is a dessert junkie and self-proclaimed psycho genius dreaming of world domination while creatively avoiding scandals. When not engaged in social interactions, she subconsciously slips off into a parallel universe. Easily distracted by pretty boys and strange objects. Her demonic kiasu-ness and notorious procrastination are genetic.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Singapore Airlines

  • Singapore or Malaysian citizenship (Check)
  • Females who are at least 1.58m; Males who are at least 1.65m in height (Check)
  • Degree/ Diploma (Check)
  • At least 2 GCE ‘A’-level credits and 2 ‘AO’-level credits including General Paper in the GCE ‘A’-level examination (Check, but who needs to look at this when I have my degree?)
  • At least 5 GCE ‘O’-level credits including English and working experience (Check)
  • For Malaysian qualifications at SPM level, at least 5 credits including a minimum grade of B4 in English and working experience is required (Double Check)
  • Completed, are exempted from, or are not liable for National Service. Those in the process of completing NS may also apply. (Check)

Preference will be given to candidates who are able to speak foreign languages or are experienced in customer service. (I'm highly proficient in English, Malay and Cantonese, plus I'm at intermediate stage in Mandarin and Japanese. I have experience dealing with customers during my conveyancing days.)

Our comprehensive training program will cover topics such as:
  • Product Knowledge including Food & Beverage (I love food)
  • Service Procedures
  • Passenger Handling (I have life long experience of handling difficult people)
  • Deportment & Grooming (I like making myself look pretty, influenced by Jo)
  • Language & Communication Skills (Linguistic talent was my strongest point in high school)
  • Safety Equipment Procedures (I am paranoid enough to ensure safety)
  • First Aid (I joined the Red Cross Society during high school)

On successful completion of training you will commence flying duties.

Remuneration & Service Benefits
A monthly allowance will be provided during training. Upon graduation, you can look forward to a basic salary and various allowances amounting to about SGD3,500 (equivalent of RM8,444.36) a month. In addition, there will be an annual wage supplement of one month’s basic salary and profit-sharing bonus (Bonus I found out is 6 months wages). You will also be entitled to free travel to any SIA destination once a year and enjoy discounted travel at other times.

Wish me luck on the next SIA interview.


Like why the sudden madness of change in career?

1. I admit that I do not have a chance of career advancement in Law, nor do I intend to. I'm sick of living a life based on everyone else's beliefs. Why do I have to bear the burden of expectations just because they don't have the guts (or brains) to do it themselves? My life is precious. Go live your own life without screwing with everyone else's just because yours suck.

2. Okay, even if I do advance, which is maybe the next 2-3 years and reach seniority status at 10 years, I would have been doing something I don't like and get paid a mediocre salary. Might as well do what I like and get mediocre salary.

3. My dream job is to exhibit myself to the world. Not just face a monitor 8+ hours a day. I like running around the place. Not having my ass stuck to a chair and let it grow 1 inch/month.

4. I'm really, really bored out of my mind.

5. Living at home is a bitch. Seriously. To the point I'd rather go flying all over the world.

6. Having financial independence means your parents don't have any reason to blackmail you to doing what they want anymore because you have to depend on them.

7. Like free travel + photography (which I love) to places I've never been before. I could free lance as a travel writer and earn extra income too.

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