About Me

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Cherry L. is a dessert junkie and self-proclaimed psycho genius dreaming of world domination while creatively avoiding scandals. When not engaged in social interactions, she subconsciously slips off into a parallel universe. Easily distracted by pretty boys and strange objects. Her demonic kiasu-ness and notorious procrastination are genetic.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Ipoh Traffic Evolving To KL Standards

I swear - the traffic in Ipoh is going to give me a heart attack on of these days. I almost crashed into a Camry today. It refused to slow down behind a stationary vehicle in its own lane and entered my lane without signal. Thank God for my heightened senses and skill (developed only through years of gaming experience). I swerved to the left, missing him by inches and almost hit another car on the next lane but I missed it by inches as well. What a moron. He totally ignored my existence and sped off even after his irresponsible deed.

I know this is absolutely gross but I have to quote what my sister exclaimed in the car:-

"F*king Camry, I got so frightened that I was going to die that my poop shot up my brain."

For somewhat reason, I can relate... Right now, I'm having a blasted migraine and my chest is still tight even an hour past the shock.

I detest people who own big, fancy cars (which are usually purchased on a loan) and act like barbarians on the road. If I crashed into anyone at that moment, let it be his. At least, he'll stop his car and get down rather than I crash into some other innocent person's car and both of us bear the burden of his selfishness.

So what happens if he turns hostile. People should know by now that I have weapons hidden all over my car. Plus, he has no idea the amount of legal background/underground at my disposal. Sis even has the 'kelefer mafia' on her speed dial.

Oh Jo-jo, hope you arrived in Spore safely. Don't accidentally eat your new colleagues. x


Sis's poop is running normally now. Thank you for your concern.

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