About Me

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Cherry L. is a dessert junkie and self-proclaimed psycho genius dreaming of world domination while creatively avoiding scandals. When not engaged in social interactions, she subconsciously slips off into a parallel universe. Easily distracted by pretty boys and strange objects. Her demonic kiasu-ness and notorious procrastination are genetic.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Twitter Is The Answer

I apologize for the lack of updates; 2-5 posts a month. I wouldn't claim that I'm too busy to blog. Honestly, I enjoy writing about stuff if not for feeling listless most of the time. This is probably due to the lack of social interactions to maintain my need to communicate at above average level.

I mean seriously, what can I expect in my position?
At home, mum's constantly occupied with grandpa, the lil bro and the household in general (plus the only times when we do get to talk, we go at each others' neck and stop talking for the next few days).

Sis and I have totally opposite sleeping patterns. She's awake when I'm asleep, vice versa. Otherwise she'll be occupied by the internet or going to class on weekends when I'm at home.

Dad's always away from home (like how most dads are on important business). Kinda remind me when I was young. I only get to see him like 30 minutes a week on average.

My buin is the only existing same-aged friend I have here and she works inhumane hours. Meets up about once a month.

Thank God for my cousin who I'm able to, on regular basis, do a lot of nonsense with that not every normal human will accept. But he's leaving to Melb like... damn soon.

The same goes with some of my friends who work in KL but come back every 1-3 months.

Colleagues are well, you know colleagues. I try to not be a total anti-social and go out for lunches with them occasionally.
The total amount of people don't even amount to 2 hands!!

Okay it's not like anyone's fault but my own for being a hermit. 

Anyways, even if I'm not posting up a full post, I'll definitely be spamming a lot of short updates with my Tweets. Had my account for like ages, but only now I'm able to put it in good use! It's a lame excuse, but I'll be trying to open up a bit more whenever possible. Definitely not going to strengthen the idea that I'm an antisocial. ;P

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