About Me

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Cherry L. is a dessert junkie and self-proclaimed psycho genius dreaming of world domination while creatively avoiding scandals. When not engaged in social interactions, she subconsciously slips off into a parallel universe. Easily distracted by pretty boys and strange objects. Her demonic kiasu-ness and notorious procrastination are genetic.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Am So Preoccupied

Hallelujah I found the document that was missing for 3 days. Huahahahaha...

I wished there was an extra 12 hours everyday. So that I can procrastinate even more and suffer less of the outcome. Haha. I feel so shocked that it is Friday again.

This is Good Friday. Truly it is good. Recently I'm rebuilding my relationship with God, and seemingly strengthening my character and faith as a Christian. I woke up this morning feeling very happy because God has been faithful and my only comfort throughout the trials and tribulations for the past year. Went to Cornerstone Church for Maudy Thursday yesterday night. We passed CGMC on the way back and I thought of Malat. It is reinforced that family is the most important thing and is irreplaceable by anything else (as diperkatakan oleh lelaki yang paling kolot di dunia, a.k.a. the one I miss most right now).

I'm glad because God took a step before me to open paths for my sister. I was rather ready to knock sense into her ala cara ganas about being more serious about her own life and stop blaming our parents and the current situation (Hello, we don't even have a situation), because logically it's basically up to her to take action and not just killing pigs in Maple every night while waiting for a miracle to fall out of the sky. The miracle did fall out of the sky though. But as a sister, I am glad that FINALLY my sister has got her life back on track and I believe there is more greatness to come.

Things I'd wish to do when my next pay cheque comes:-

1. Save my hair because it has evolved to become a formless monster. It is so long now that I am able to immitate Ju On and crawl out of anyone's webcam on MSN to strangle them. Will probably rebond it and trim it. We can get high quality RM250 Rebond and Cut in Ipoh as compared to RM680 in KL (but in this world, I can only trust Florence of A Cut Above to cut my precious locks). But I'm learning to cut down on my expenditure, so rebond Ipoh it is by end of this month.

2. Laser resurface the skin of my face. I know, sounds ****ing scary. Haha. RM300. That's Ipoh price as compared to RM600+ in KL. Of course, I had to make sure it's being done by a reputable doctor before even dreaming of attempting.

3. Whiten my teeth. (Price To Be Researched) I got inspired by people who look like they're from a Darlie commercial. Like pearly teeth is so attractive...
[Edit] The price is between RM750(home kit)-RM1500 (in-house whitening). Will temporarily settle with my existing Pearl Drops teeth polish.

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