About Me

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Cherry L. is a dessert junkie and self-proclaimed psycho genius dreaming of world domination while creatively avoiding scandals. When not engaged in social interactions, she subconsciously slips off into a parallel universe. Easily distracted by pretty boys and strange objects. Her demonic kiasu-ness and notorious procrastination are genetic.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I Oh So Hate The 39%*

With referral to this post.

You've hurt me so badly yet you keep me around for cheap favours.

If I have any better sense and dignity, I really should just ignore you.


*39% : are polite but mentally decides not to pursue anything beyond friendship. At least, if they happen to get in trouble with the law maybe I'll be willing to handle their case for free / give them a special discount (because we're friends!!!). Hey smartass, why would I want to associate myself with someone who purposely gets in trouble with the Law and thinks my service is not worth the remuneration?!


On my judgment of character, I often relied on my initial gut feeling when associating with people. I take pride in my ability to decide whether this person is a potential friend or a subject to eternal banishment within the span of 3 seconds from first contact. Usually, it turns out accurate.

Sometimes I would feel uncomfortable associating with certain people; the kinda feeling that you decide to dislike them despite only knowing them for barely 2 minutes. I can't describe the reasons they are bad, but I just know it.

I used to know this guy; first impression I disliked intensely him without reason. We became good friends being the mild natured person I am. Eventually as I got to know him, I decided that he was too tedious to be friends with (and I'm glad he's not directly involved in my life as of today). A few other examples followed throughout the years, and I learnt that yes, my gut feeling is something NEVER to be disputed with.

In a logical sense, I expect the best from people and give them the benefit of the doubt. I cannot imagine people being evil and hurting another human being blatantly for their own gains. Realistically, they do. I have probably done it unconsciously every now and then. But for them to act without guilt and shame after doing despicable things is something that is utterly... out of my understanding.

Regret isn't something I'm familiar with, partially because I take extra effort to avoid any potential regrets after I made my decisions, not that I've always made the perfect choices. I only realized that I am only capable of making decisions that seem 'perfect' at that time. It contributes that I'm so competent in sweeping problems under the rug and move on with life should things go horribly wrong (like Duck would say, "Whatever-lah. Who cares?").

When revealed just for the sake of reevaluation, I should be regretting not studying hard to get better grades during school days, not persistently chasing my dreams of being an artist, not figuring out what I want in life for the long term and the consequences of my indecision and lack of action, not being stronger in character, not slimming down and dressing up prettily when I was younger and not telling that boy I had a crush on that I liked him (and regretting now that I told him I liked him).

I suppose it is within my power to determine what regret does to me. To be crippled by it, or to grow from it. Regret incinerates your pride and ego, 100x the damage if you're a proud Leo, like me. Thank God I'm a Leo, because losing is unheard of.

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