About Me

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Cherry L. is a dessert junkie and self-proclaimed psycho genius dreaming of world domination while creatively avoiding scandals. When not engaged in social interactions, she subconsciously slips off into a parallel universe. Easily distracted by pretty boys and strange objects. Her demonic kiasu-ness and notorious procrastination are genetic.

Friday, December 4, 2009

December; The Beginning Of The End

You guys won't guess from where I'm blogging this. :P

In case, everyone's wondering why have I been missing in  action for the past few weeks, it's because the wireless connection in my office died during the period I left for Hong Kong. I getting on about fixing it because it is a huge inconvenience and my sanity is on the verge of breaking.

Anyways, speed update:-

1) Applied for art college and I got exempted for about a semester and I'm allowed to cross-attend classes between the first semester and second. So I may be able to graduate slightly faster than I expected!~ Fees hasn't been calculated out yet and I'm keeping fingers crossed. School starts on the 4th next month.

2) I'm not sure whether I'll still be working in January (coz I will be having about 8 classes per week apparently!), but in my heart, I deeply wish to continue working... To think that my income will stop after resigning is rather troubling.

3) I'm collecting my DSLR today.

4) I'm going to KL tomorrow for the weekend.

5) I'm going to KL again on the 20th Sunday for Comic Fiesta 2009 for a day trip.

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