About Me

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Cherry L. is a dessert junkie and self-proclaimed psycho genius dreaming of world domination while creatively avoiding scandals. When not engaged in social interactions, she subconsciously slips off into a parallel universe. Easily distracted by pretty boys and strange objects. Her demonic kiasu-ness and notorious procrastination are genetic.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Next Few Years of My Life

After I've done my diploma in graphic design, I could do the following:-

a) Study in Birmingham Institute of Art & Design for Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Visual Communication (Illustration) for a year.

b) Mingle and do freelance work in Ipoh. I have ultimately decided NOT to return to KL. Don't wanna work in Singapore despite the perks and blah. Overrated sia. I'm just so annoyed right now I wanna do something to prove to people that working in these two places will only guarantee a bright future as an employee/slave.

c) Consider Vietnam. Because I dig Vietnamese pho, spring rolls, spicy beef soup and meatballs. Besides, Ho Chih Min city has a lot of Korean expatriates working there. Nice! Currency involved is USD. English teachers are always welcomed, respected and better paid. I get school holidays as well.

d) If I'm too fricking lazy to move about, I'm gonna grow roots in Ipoh and become one of the prominent members in society by contributing to the artistic field and tourism. Mebbe try to follow my grandpa's footsteps and obtain a title. Just because I'm sentimental about family traditions.

e) Build a mansion here and live a life of classic luxury and adopt kids from Vietnam/Korea and send them to International school which is near our residence. There are no marriage prospects in Ipoh and I'll just have to accept it at that. By that time, I would have been so preoccupied with having kids; sending them to school, tuition, sports, holidays etc. I wouldn't have time/energy to acknowledge the fact that I might be single, lonely and miserable (as a lot of other people would enjoy to believe). We'll have plenty as pets as usual too.

f) Fall in love and get married? Maybe, but not counting on it absolutely. Why must people have a sick mentality that we have to be dependent on other people to make us happy? Realistically, one must be capable of being happy even by themselves, not ultimately, but if the husband leaves/dies, at least the wife can be strong enough to look after the kids.

I just read an article on the news:-

One side, city women are having high expectations. I honestly think, they're not being unrealistic but that's generally the basic cost of life. Mebbe they should just cut down on their spending and not expect other people to support their bizarre lifestyle. Then there are the stupid girls who think love can solve everything, who are in for a rude shock of their lives and let assholes bully them because they can live without the attention.

Men, having their egos punctured for not being handsome nor rich (and have the mentality that women should just love them for them unconditionally but condition their women to have big boobs and asses) try to buy love with money (which most women oblige because that's the fastest way out of poverty) and also expect them to be virgins and the sort. Like browsing through a catalogue to choose the prettiest and best for value wife. And they are bitter about women who are choosy. How ironic.

I think both sides are nuts and should just reflect themselves in their own pee and consider their own self worth before implementing conditions on other people.

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